
A0A.m - If statement

% get number from user
N = input('Pick an integer between 1 and 10:  ');

% computer picks a random number between 1 and 10
M = randi(10);

% if the numbers match, the user wins!
if N == M
    disp('you win :)')
    disp('you lose :(')

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A simple code that prompts the user for a number between 1 and 10. The computer then generates a random integer also between 1 and 10 using the randi() function. The if statement then checks to see if the two numbers are equal. If they are, then the user sees a smiley face. If the numbers are not equal, then the user sees a frowny face. Notice that the logic test to see if the numbers are equal uses two equal signs "==". Common conditional tests are as follows:

if N == M   % check to see if N is equal to M
if N > M    % check to see if N is greater than M
if N >= M   % check to see if N is greater than or equal to M
if N <= M   % check to see if N is less than or equal to M
if N < M    % check to see if N is less than M
if N ~= M   % check to see if N is not equal to M

Conditional tests may be combined using logical operators:

if A == B | A == C     % if A equals B or A equals C
if A == B & A == C     % if A equals B and A equals C

A08B.m - More if statements

N = input('Pick an integer between 1 and 10:  ');

% check to see if the number is an integer between 1 and 10
% if it is, then test it against a randomly-generated number
if N <1 | N > 10
    disp('your number needs to be between 1 and 10')
    disp ('try again')

elseif rem(N,1) ~= 0            % the ~= symbol means "not equal"
                                % the rem(a,b) function returns the
                                % remainder of a/b
    disp ('your number is not an integer')
    disp ('try again')

    % computer picks a random number between 1 and 10
    M = randi(10);

    % if the numbers match, the user wins!
    if N == M
        disp('you win :)')
        disp('you lose :(')

Download A08B.m

This modified version of the A08A includes extra checks to see if the user typed in a number in the bounds from 1 to 10, and then checks to see if the number is an integer. If both of these conditions are true, then the computer will pick a random number and see if the user wins. Otherwise an error message will be displayed telling the user they weren't following the directions.

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