plot01.m - Simple Plot


Plotting y = x^2

To plot y = x^2, we follow these steps:

Here's the code:

x = 0:0.5:10;   % x values range from 0 to 10 in steps of 0.5
y = x.^2;       % square each element in x array and store in y

plot(x,y)       % plot y vs. x (defaults as blue line connecting points)

xlabel('x')     % label horizontal axis
ylabel('y')   % label vertical axis
title('Graph of y = x^2')    % title

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And here's the plot:

Plot Styles and Color Options

Matlab offers a simple method of creating plots with different line and marker styles and colors. Here's a list of the basic options:

Color Options:

'r' = red
'g' = green
'b' = blue
'y' = yellow
'c' = cyan
'm' = magenta
'k' = black
'w' = white

Line Options:

'-' = solid line
':' = dotted line
'--' = dashed line
'-.' = dash-dot line

Marker Options:

'o' = circle
'+' = plus
's' = square
'*' = star
'^' = up triangle (carrot = shift-6)
'v' = down triangle (lowercase v)
'x' = x
'd' = diamond

Example: Red Line

To make the blue line in the previous example red, replace the plot command in the previous example with the command:


the dash '-' says to connect the points together with a solid line and the 'r' says to color the line red. Here's the result:

Example: Thick Red Line

To change the thickness of the line use the 'LineWidth' option like this:

plot(x,y,'r-','LineWidth', 2)

Example: Blue Circles

To plot blue circles at each point use the following command:


the 'o' symbol says to draw a circle at each data point. Here's the result:

Example: Filled Blue Circles

To draw draw filled markers use the 'MarkerFaceColor' option like this:


In principle, you can use a different color to fill in the marker than you use to draw the marker, but this is generally not desireable.

Example: Big Magenta Squares

In this example we draw black squares with the 'ks' option and then fill them in with magenta using 'MarkerFaceColor'. We use 'MarkerSize' to adjust the saze and make them big.


Custom Colors

We can create custom colors by specifying their RGB (red, blue, green) values in a 1x3 matrix like this:

c = [R G B];

where R, G and B are values between 0 and 1. If all three values are 1, then white is produced. If all three are zero then it gives black. Here's a list of RGB values around a color wheel:

The following example uses dark green, filled circle markers:

plot(x,y,'o','Color',[0 1/2 0], 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 1/2 0])

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